Build an inclusive Cedarburg for everyone

Preserve our great town history

Decrease 911 response times in conjunction with the city

I'm originally from Delaware and joined the Navy at 20 and left with an honorable discharge. I then got a bachelor's degree in History and Political Science from Maryville University in St. Louis, received my Master’s Degree from Johns Hopkins in Government and Global Security Studies. I was brought out to Milwaukee for a job opportunity and shortly thereafter moved to Cedarburg. I am now working at Craft Beverage Warehouse in Milwaukee.

My wife and I have had two daughters while living here. This is our forever home, I want to help build a town that my family feels safe in, and they don't have to worry about people hating them because of the color of their skin. We love to support our local businesses and go downtown whenever possible. I am a very centric person in terms of politics. People should have their freedoms, but there is a reason we need a strong federal government.

Paid for by Friends of Todd Aulgur